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Tammie Rimon Split Mortgage Sales Mastery - Elevation Mentoring

Tammie Rimon Split Mortgage Sales Mastery - Elevation Mentoring


Elevation Mortgage Professional Mentoring in its simplest form is designed to double if not triple your productivity by taking your off-line mortgage business and putting it online.

And the justification of the doubling or tripling of commission is found in that we teach you to get your already successful message of how you can add value to a mortgage customer's life, in front of the eyeballs of many more people than you currently do.

This is done by virtue of the leverage that social media offers to people like you.

As you can appreciate the amount of commission you earn is directly linked to the number of conversations that you have with people who are looking for a new mortgage.

And so through the power of simple digital platforms, using email and social media we can automate the process of having 2 to 3 times the number of conversations with potential mortgage customers then you are having at the moment.

The best part about it though is that rather than having to rely on referrers or referrals, we teach you how to set up marketing machines so that you can put your message directly in front of the same mortgage customer that you were reliant on a referrer to refer to you.