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How To Convert Your Mortgage Knowledge Into A Salable Course (Beta Group)

How To Convert Your Mortgage Knowledge Into A Salable Course (Beta Group)


For many years the domain of the Mortgage Professional and the method of distribution of their advice to customers has been unchallenged.

This process is best described as put in your time, and keep your fingers crossed in the hope the loan will close and you will be paid a commission.

For years mortgage professionals have had to invest thousands of un-paid hours giving valuable information to potential clients with a less than 20% chance of getting a return on their investment of time.

It has been my vision to disrupt this process and acknowledge the value that a Mortgage Professional adds to a person's life - and be appropriately compensated for their time. - Whether or not an application is taken.

In 2020 the biggest growth space in the consultancy sector is online education.

Today’s mortgage customer is far more comfortable being able to conduct their own research about the best financial products and outcomes that are available to them.

And they are more comfortable doing this in their own time without fearing the pressure of a salesperson wanting to close them before they’re ready.

Beginning in February 2020 I will be launching a course exclusively for mortgage professionals that will change the way in which they get paid.

I will be teaching Mortgage Professionals to commoditize their knowledge and sell it via video training and group coaching.

This process will create a dynamic shift in how and when a mortgage professional gets paid.

It will also create a dynamic shift in the ability for the Mortgage Professional to consult to multiple people at any one time with a difference of being able to be paid upfront by the mortgage customer.

This new strategy will mean that the mortgage professional won’t be reliant on mortgage sales and commission.

Their new income stream will emanate from the commoditization of their knowledge and the sale of that knowledge through online training thus creating a separate business away from their regular mortgage business.

This beta training course will be delivered live each week beginning in the third week of February 2020.

The course will take Mortgage Professionals through the process of converting their knowledge into training modules and learning how to sell those training modules online through automotive processes.

The training for this program will be delivered live by Mark Blundell each week for a period of 9 to 12 weeks.

Creating an availability of online education for the mortgage customer will create a shift for the mortgage customer too.

It will allow the mortgage customer to be able to digest information on demand and have access to the Mortgage Professional through group coaching sessions conducted weekly or biweekly online.

This course while in its beta phase will be limited to only a handful of students.

Be one of the 1st to enter this revolutionary new way for Mortgage Professionals to support their mortgage clients.